Thursday, 15 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 07:47 Sorry BBC but your redesigned news site is SHIT! #
  • 10:54 Not sure Goa/Psychedelic Trance is conducive to coding, it was a few years ago but now I'm middle aged, better switch to some Enya #
  • 11:30 Did I really just get album art and retag Atomic Kitten's Greatest Hits..... oh the shame #
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Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 07:41 Not sure about 20Mb/s my Internet connection is back to dial up speed this morning! Pull your finger out virgin! (ohhh errr) #
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Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 12:32 Think I am showing symptoms of OCD, been retagging and getting album art for my music collection (again!) #
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Monday, 12 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 09:38 I though the sun was supposed to cheer you up? After this weekend near lethal dose of UV I am downright depressed #
  • 10:04 Dilution #
  • 12:11 Am Mr Grumpy today, really feeling the effects of a weekend standing around judging, ring managing and running the dogs in the sun! #
  • 15:11 So we've gone from living in a fridge to living in an oven just because it's raining... Give me the aircon remote now!! #
  • 15:20 Red Bull Gives You Wings, except if you are Mark Webber.. #
  • 16:07 "The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care." #
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Thursday, 8 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 15:11 Is this guy really an ex-bouncer? Sounds more like some sort of Rambo/Ninja/Bear Grylls mashup #
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Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 15:07 Caught the latest Futurama episode "Attack of the Killer App" lunchtime an easy lazy parody maybe but still made me laugh #
  • 17:49 Viewers! It's quite sad to see a 43 year old man living such a pathetic life. #
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Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 11:12 I'm not going to work till they catch gunman Raoul Moat - according to man in street interviewed on radio! #
  • 11:17 So the big news today is something sucked off Cheryl Cole, rather than the usual news of who she is sucking off #
  • 11:33 news coming in of 2 mile exclusion zone around Rothbury in hunt for gunman. "Nuke the entire site from orbit—it's the only way to be sure" #
  • 21:07 Have Twitter killed Tweetdeck? #
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Planet Rock - scrobbler

Okay, so I brought a cheap DAB radio last week and have started listening to Planet Rock, sorry BBC 6Music, but I am sucker for classic rock!

Anyhow I have now created a small windows application to allow me to update my account when I am listening to the radio station.

You can find it here

Monday, 5 July 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 09:43 Really need to sort out some sort of mobile connectivity, 10 days disconnected from the net is too long #
  • 13:02 What is more sad, listening to Planetrock or modifying a scrobbler utility to parse the play list? #
  • 15:12 Just heard Whitesnake "Here I Go Again" - Now that brings back memories of unrequited teenage love... #
  • 15:21 Just catching up with the iPhone debacle, so Apple's "fix" is to now accurately show just how crap their RF design is? #
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