Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 06:53 RT @boingboing iPad case with wings - Boing Boing is.gd/9v5cQ #
  • 06:58 RT @boingboing Not a lie: Valve updates Portal with secret SSTV images - tinyurl.com/ycpjaqw #
  • 12:22 BBC say f**k you to everyone who has DAB by culling two digital only channels bit.ly/c8bhTD can someone explain BBC Alba? #
  • 14:11 Listening to: Hurt by Johnny Cash. is.gd/9wNPm #
  • 14:43 What about the millions thrown at a satellite only minority TV channel with no reliable viewing figures? bit.ly/clMsR7 #save6music #
  • 14:44 RT @davidgallienne: BBC 6 Music is an Oasis in a sea of mainstream pap and double glazing, it has no commercial alternative. #save6music #
  • 14:57 RT @peregr1n: If Bupa complains to the government that it hasn't got enough customers, will the government make cuts to the NHS? #save6music #
  • 15:04 RT @jaredashe: Just did the BBC online consultation - ridiculous for them to claim 6 music competes with commercial pop stations #save6music #
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