Friday, 7 May 2010

Daily Tweats

  • 22:05 Jesus the BBC technical team want shooting, knackered displays, broken microphones and harriet harman looks ill #ge10 #
  • 23:00 It will be interesting to find out how much the BBC paid for this technical fiasco? It is just style over substance! #ge2010 #
  • 23:12 Polling stations open since 7am and it seems everyone left it till 9:55pm to go vote? #
  • 23:17 A load of z-rate celebs talk crap about the election while they drink free booze - BBC in depth coverage going back to Sky! #ge2010 #
  • 23:18 Jeremy bloody Vine! Thats sealed it Channel 82 it is! #
  • 23:47 At next election (in Nov?) I suggest Labour give out free watches or alarm clocks to voters! #
  • 23:53 So if exit poll is correct Tories have largest share of vote but the PR supporting parties claim they don't have a mandate.. bizarre! #
  • 00:00 So did alll these students forget to take their polling cards? Goes to show education has declined under Labour? #ge2010 #
  • 02:18 Getting tired now #
  • 02:23 Might be tired but worth it to see that idiot Opik voted out #
  • 02:48 Yah! Conservatives hold Newark! #
  • 04:30 Sorry Ester That's Life! #
  • 08:17 Mandelson sounds like the snake out of Disney's Jungle Book! #ge2010 #
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