Sunday, 13 November 2011

ARISSat-1 - The results just keep getting better

As I mentioned in yesterdays post, this weekend saw a couple of well timed passes of ARISSat-1, today had two which seemed to offer the possibility of decent results.

So the setup again was I'd have the PRO2006 in the spare room on the loft mounted discone to capture any SSTV images and the Yagi with the Alinco DJ-X10 in the garden to capture the CW beacon. The first pass yielded rubbish results from both setups, the beacon was very faint (I suspect I haven't got something quite right for receiving the SSB/CW modes) but as I lost signal at the end of the pass I switched the Alinco to FM on 145.950MHz and got a really strong signal!

The decision was made! For the second pass I decided not to bother with the beacon and get a FM capture with the Alinco.. well glad I did got a cracking full 5 minutes of voice and three sstv images, including a beautiful one of the blue marble!

The normal PRO2006 setup yielded nothing worthy of including here!

Arissat1 1311111140 by nerdsville


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