Monday, 9 January 2012

ISS ARISS Contact January 9th 2011

This morning was an opportunity to hear ISS astronuat Dan Burbank, KC5ZSX as he took park in a planned ARISS contact.

At approximately 1014 UTC, an International Space Station (ISS) amateur radio contact took place with students at Descartes High School, located in Montigny-Le-Bretonneux, France.

The contact was in English and the downlink signal was audible in the British Isles and Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

I was away from the shack so left the Realistic PRO2006 connected to the discone in the loft and set up an unattended recording of the audio on the computer.

I didn't get the full exchange but got over 5 minutes worth and this is the edited version, I have inserted silence during the 'uplink' transmission.

I am suffering from a great deal of interference on the 2 meter band at the moment but it doesn't spoil it too much.

ISS ARISS Contact January 09 2011 by nerdsville
There is a full video of the contact available here, starts at around the 27 minutes in..

Watch live video from f6krk2 on

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